Welcome to Octoplus Huawei Software v.1.3.4
To enable ‘Manufacture’ mode dial
– for Qualcomm and Hisilicon based models: *#*#2846579#*#*
ProjectMenu > Background Settings > USB Port Settings > Manufacture Mode
– for MTK based models: *#*#14789632#*#*
ProjectMenu > Background Settings > USB Port Settings > Debug Mode
To enable ‘Fastboot’ mode
1. Power off the phone. Remove SD and SIM cards
2. Press ‘Vol-‘ and insert USB cable
3. Wait until phone enters ‘Fastboot’ mode
To enable ‘Upgrade’ mode
1. Power off the phone. Remove SD and SIM cards
2. Press and hold ‘Vol-‘ and ‘Vol+’ keys and insert USB cable
3. Wait until phone enters ‘Upgrade mode’
Found COM ports:
1: COM1 Communications Port
2: COM42 HUAWEI Mobile Connect – Fake Acm Interface
3: COM44 Android Adapter PCUI
4: COM38 DBAdapter Reserved Interface
Starting Write Firmware(Upgrade mode)
Selected phone model: VOG-L29
Selected base update file: C:/Users/shop/Downloads/Compressed/VOG-L29C(C432) Downgrade from 10.0.0 to 9.1.0 for Reset Frp(Octoplus)/VOG-L29C/Step2/UPDATE_BASE.APP
Selected cust update file: C:/Users/shop/Downloads/Compressed/VOG-L29C(C432) Downgrade from 10.0.0 to 9.1.0 for Reset Frp(Octoplus)/VOG-L29C/Step2/UPDATE_CUST.APP
Selected preload base file: C:/Users/shop/Downloads/Compressed/VOG-L29C(C432) Downgrade from 10.0.0 to 9.1.0 for Reset Frp(Octoplus)/VOG-L29C/Step2/UPDATE_PRELOADER.APP
Checking firmware package type
Searching device in Upgrade mode…
Detected DBAdapter Reserved Interface port
Connecting to phone..
Phone connect successfully!
Writing firmware partitions…
Writing SHA256RSA partition…
Writing CRC partition…
Writing BASE_VERLIST partition…
Writing BASE_VER partition…
Writing PACKAGE_TYPE partition…
Writing HISIUFS_GPT partition…
Writing XLOADER partition…
Writing FASTBOOT partition…
Writing DTS partition…
Writing DTO partition…
Writing VECTOR partition…
Writing FW_LPM3 partition…
Writing HHEE partition…
Writing VBMETA partition…
Writing TEEOS partition…
Writing TRUSTFIRMWARE partition…
Writing SENSORHUB partition…
Writing FW_HIFI partition…
Writing KERNEL partition…
Writing MODEMNVM_UPDATE partition…
Writing MODEMNVM_CUST partition…
Writing MODEM_DRIVER partition…
Writing RECOVERY_RAMDISK partition…
Writing RECOVERY_VENDOR partition…
Writing RECOVERY_VBMETA partition…
Writing PREAS partition…
Writing PREAVS partition…
Writing ERECOVERY_KERNEL partition…
Writing ERECOVERY_RAMDISK partition…
Writing ERECOVERY_VENDOR partition…
Writing ERECOVERY_VBMETA partition…
Writing ENG_VENDOR partition…
Writing ENG_SYSTEM partition…
Writing HDCP partition…
Writing CACHE partition…
Writing SYSTEM partition…
Writing CUST partition…
Writing ISP_FIRMWARE partition…
Writing MODEM_FW partition…
Writing HISEE_IMG partition…
Writing VENDOR partition…
Writing ODM partition…
Writing PRODUCT partition…
Writing PATCH partition…
Writing USERDATA partition…
Writing UFSFW partition…
Writing SHA256RSA partition…
Writing CRC partition…
Writing CUST_VERLIST partition…
Writing CUST_VER partition…
Writing PACKAGE_TYPE partition…
Writing PTABLE_CUST partition…
Writing VERSION partition…
Writing SHA256RSA partition…
Writing CRC partition…
Writing PRELOAD_VERLIST partition…
Writing PRELOAD_VER partition…
Writing PACKAGE_TYPE partition…
Writing PTABLE_PRELOAD partition…
Writing PRELOAD partition…
Warning: Do you want to reboot your device?
Warning: Selected response: Yes
Firmware writing successfully completed
Write Firmware(Upgrade mode) done.
Performed by 1.3.4 Software version.
Starting Switch Fastboot to Update mode
Selected phone model: VOG-L29
Searching Fastboot devices…
Found android device: 64C0219823005888
Device Model: VOG-L29
System: VOG-L29
Initializing remote service connection…
Switching to Upgrade Mode…
Writing ERECOVERY files…
Successfully switched to update mode.
Switch Fastboot to Update mode done.
Performed by 1.3.4 Software version.
Starting ON/OFF Factory Mode
Selected phone model: VOG-L29
To Enable Factory mode put the phone in Upgrade mode and connect USB cable!
To Disable Factory mode connect the phone in Factory mode or Factory Fastboot mode!
Checking the existence of the auto firmware file…
Warning: *Note: Please, charge phone`s battery, before use it! We recommend to use Auto firmware only if you don`t know phone`s firmware version! Please, reflash your device, if it doesn`t work properly or launchs straight to eRecovery mode only! What firmware do you want to use?
Warning: Selected response: Select firmware
Selected firmware file: C:/Users/shop/Downloads/Compressed/VOG-L29C(C432) Downgrade from 10.0.0 to 9.1.0 for Reset Frp(Octoplus)/VOG-L29C/Step2/UPDATE_BASE.APP
Performing ON Factory Mode operation…
Checking firmware package type
Searching device in Upgrade mode…
Detected DBAdapter Reserved Interface port
Connecting to phone..
Phone connect successfully!
Writing firmware partitions…
Writing SHA256RSA partition…
Writing CRC partition…
Writing BASE_VERLIST partition…
Writing BASE_VER partition…
Writing PACKAGE_TYPE partition…
Writing HISIUFS_GPT partition…
ON/OFF Factory Mode done.
Performed by 1.3.4 Software version.
Starting Reset FRP
Selected phone model: VOG-L29
Selected method: Reset Frp (EMUI 10)
Warning: Please, make sure the phone`s battery is fully charged and connected, after connect the device via Factory Mode (use Hardware Test Point or “ON/OFF Factory Mode option”).
Warning: Selected response: Proceed
Searching HUAWEI USB COM 1.0 port…
Detected HUAWEI USB COM 1.0 port
Phone connect successfully
Writing bootloader KIRIN980_V5…
Initializing remote service connection…
Downloading resource…
Writing XLOADER partition…
Writing UCE partition…
Writing FASTBOOT partition…
Bootloader Update successfully
Rebooting to fastboot mode…
Warning: If you use modified USB cable please reconnect cable from the mother board and press “Ok” to proceed the operation
Warning: Selected response: Ok
Searching Fastboot devices…
Found android device: 025TLA198T002394
Detected Android Sooner Single ADB Interface port
Reading basic data…
Device Model: VOG-L29
System: VOG-L29
Android Version: 9
Base Version: VOG-LGRP2-OVS
Custom Version: VOG-L29-CUST
Preload Version: VOG-L29-PRELOAD
C_Version: C432
D_Version: D000
FB Lock State: LOCKED
User Lock State: LOCKED
Downloading resource…
Connecting to the credit server…
Username: Default_user
Warning: The phone contains an unknown firmware version. Make sure you follow the correct method for this operation.
Checking balance…
Your balance: 1 credits
Sending device information…
Sending firmware information…
Removing firmware protection…
Connecting to server…
Waiting for a response from the server…
User Lock State: LOCKED
Device Model: VOG-L29
System: VOG-L29
MEID: 00000000000000
Resetting FRP…
Writing FRP partition..
Rebooting device…
Reset FRP done.
Performed by 1.3.4 Software version.
Starting ON/OFF Factory Mode
Selected phone model: VOG-L29
To Enable Factory mode put the phone in Upgrade mode and connect USB cable!
To Disable Factory mode connect the phone in Factory mode or Factory Fastboot mode!
Performing OFF Factory Mode operation…
Searching HUAWEI USB COM 1.0 port…
Detected HUAWEI USB COM 1.0 port
Phone connect successfully
Writing bootloader KIRIN980_V5…
Initializing remote service connection…
Writing XLOADER partition…
Writing UCE partition…
Writing FASTBOOT partition…
Bootloader Update successfully
Rebooting to fastboot mode…
Warning: If you use modified USB cable please reconnect cable from the mother board and press “Ok” to proceed the operation
Warning: Selected response: Ok
Searching Fastboot devices…
Found android device: 025TLA198T002394
Detected Android Sooner Single ADB Interface port
Device Model: VOG-L29
System: VOG-L29
Removing firmware protection…
Connecting to server…
Waiting for a response from the server…
User Lock State: LOCKED
Writing secure data…
Rebooting device…
ON/OFF Factory Mode done.
Performed by 1.3.4 Software version.